Blog & Videos
What You Absolutely Need To Know About Your Child’s Tantrums and Meltdowns
Is your child constantly defiant, refusing to listen, or struggling with big emotions? As parents, we are usually told that tantrums and meltdowns are a reflection of our parenting or that they’ll eventually grow out of it! BUT what if they don’t?! What if it really is something that needs our attention?!
5 Tips to Better Handle Holiday Stress
Feeling stressed this holiday season? You're not alone! Between school events, holiday parties, and end-of-year deadlines, it's no wonder 41% of people report increased stress during this time of year.
80% of Toddlers Have Ear Infections! Your Child Doesn’t Have To!
Is your child stuck in a cycle of chronic ear infections, leaving you feeling helpless and frustrated? 😔 You're not alone. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, about 60% of children experience at least one ear infection by their first birthday, and around 80% have had at least one by age three.
Is My Baby Colicky From Silent Reflux? Or Is It Something Else?
Is your baby suffering from feeding difficulties or fussiness, or isn’t sleeping great? Now more than ever, parents are coming into Innate saying that their little baby has been diagnosed with silent reflux and they have been searching for answers to help!
Why Birth Trauma Doesn’t End At The Hospital
Parenting has never been an easy job, and as parents, we always have one concern front and center – our kids' health and well-being. Especially today, we’re facing an unprecedented challenge with chronic disease affecting an astounding 50% of kids and families.
The Secret To Avoiding Chest Colds
Parents, are you tired of watching your child suffer through one chest cold after another? 🤒 The coughing, the congestion, the sleepless nights... It's a never-ending cycle. 😞 But did you know that there's a way to break free from the endless rounds of medications and build a stronger foundation for your child's lifelong health?
Are Your Child’s Antibiotics Doing More Harm Than Good?
Did you know that 30% of antibiotics prescribed to children are unnecessary? 😱 The overuse of antibiotics not only contributes to the growing threat of antibiotic resistance but also disrupts the balance of your child's developing nervous system, setting the stage for long-term health consequences!
The Hidden Cause of Your Child’s Chronic Health Struggles
As a parent, it’s truly heartbreaking to see your child struggle with chronic issues like seizures, insomnia, anxiety, and digestive problems. You may have consulted numerous specialists in search of answers, only to be left with more questions.
Are You Frustrated With Traditional Approaches That Just Don't Work?
If you've tried every possible way to help your child with their chronic health issues, but nothing seems to offer a long-term solution, you're not alone. Watching your child suffer from inflammation, gut problems, sensory overload, and mood swings can be emotionally draining.
What's Really Causing our Kids to be So Sick?
If you've tried every possible way to help your child with their chronic health issues, but nothing seems to offer a long-term solution, you're not alone. Watching your child suffer from inflammation, gut problems, sensory overload, and mood swings can be emotionally draining.
Why Diet Changes and Detoxes Don’t Always Work
There’s nothing wrong with diet changes or detoxes… And a lot of the time they work wonders. But at Innate we have seen countless times where a child tries detox or new protocol and it doesn’t work as it’s designed to. Why is this?!
The Missing Link To Helping Your Baby’s Colic
As a parent with a colicky baby, we would do anything to help our little one feel comfortable. Colic affects 1 in 4 infants, leaving families desperate for answers.
How To Know For Sure That Your Baby Is On Track With Milestones
Are you constantly wondering if your baby is hitting milestones on time? The truth is, the sequence of these milestones matters more than the timing!
The #1 Thing Pediatricians Often Miss in Most Children
Most traditional pediatricians constantly miss the signs that something else is going on and utter the most exhausted and outdated words of “they’ll grow out of it.” It’s frustrating, especially if you as a mom or dad have a gut feeling that something else might be going on!
The Top 10 Most Common Reasons to Get a Boost Adjustment
Here are the top 10 reasons why your child would need an extra adjustment!
Exploring the Most Overlooked Root Cause of Speech Delays
As parents, we eagerly anticipate our child's first words, but what if those precious milestones seem to be delayed?! If you've found yourself worried about your child's speech development, you're definitely not alone!
The Best Kept Secret To Helping Your Child’s Immune System Thrive
Does your family constantly get sick and once you finally kick it, something else comes up?!?! It’s so frustrating, especially during the busy fall season.
4 Tips to Boost Your Child’s Immune System in the Fall Season
Dr.Drake gives us 4 tips to help your child’s immune system combat all of the sicknesses that come with fall! From school to sports and all of the other activities in between...
The Missing Piece to Helping Your Child’s Chronic Illnesses
Feel like you've tried everything to address chronic health issues, but nothing seems to work? You're not alone. Many children struggle with symptoms like sleep struggles, digestive problems, and emotional regulation...
3 Types of Pediatric Care and Which One is Right For Your Child’s Challenges
Did you know that there are numerous types of chiropractic care?!? That’s what makes this profession so cool!