Why Birth Trauma Doesn’t End At The Hospital

Parenting has never been an easy job, and as parents, we always have one concern front and center – our kids' health and well-being. Especially today, we’re facing an unprecedented challenge with chronic disease affecting an astounding 50% of kids and families.

An often overlooked yet foundational cause of this crisis is birth trauma, which can lead to serious damage to the brainstem, vagus nerve, and nervous system, profoundly affecting a child's health. In our modern world, this generation of kids is experiencing higher rates of sickness, illness, asthma, allergies, ADHD, autism, and anxiety – more than ever before. These children are, unfortunately, the sickest and most struggling of any generation we’ve seen, regardless of the condition or metric you consider, and it’s not just genetics, poor diet, and toxins fueling the dramatic rise – birth trauma is a major contributor.

If you feel like you've exhausted all medical and natural options to help your child heal and improve, it’s crucial to understand the role of birth trauma. Watch this important video from Dr.Drake, where you'll discover the significant impact that birth trauma can have on your child’s long-term health. 🧠

Alright parents, time for some straight up TRUTH – the ONE THING that no one else is talking about when it comes to what’s really causing the dramatic rise in chronic health issues in our kids is this – BIRTH TRAUMA!

Have you been told that your child’s chronic health issues are the result of the “3Gs” – genetics, gluten, and gut health? The conventional medical system still blames genetics and bad luck, and holistic or natural doctors tend to only talk about toxins like gluten, dairy, pesticides, preservatives, and so forth. But what if there is WAY MORE to the story than just genetics, poor gut health, and gluten? What if your child’s chronic health challenges were first triggered and set in motion during the very first moments of life here on the outside – birth!?!

After nearly two decades of clinical practice I can tell you that the single biggest cause or trigger of chronic illness in kids is something that hardly NO ONE is talking about – birth interventions and trauma from interventions such as induction, c-section, vacuum extraction, forceps, and so forth.

This video is for parents whose children are facing chronic health issues, developmental delays, or neurological challenges, and are still searching for answers after feeling like they’ve tried seemingly everything!

In this video, we'll explore the hidden connection between birth trauma, brainstem injuries, and neurological dysfunction and delays in kids. You'll learn how common birth interventions can trigger a cascade of neurodevelopmental issues, setting the stage for a wide range of chronic health challenges, and discover a transformative approach to addressing birth trauma through Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care.

Recent studies have shown that assisted deliveries, particularly those involving forceps and vacuum extraction, are more common than previously thought. Approximately 30% of all babies in the U.S. are born via cesarean section (C-section). In our practice, we often see children with chronic health issues that can be traced back to complications during birth, such as colic, digestive problems, sleep disturbances, and developmental delays.

Birth interventions such as the use of forceps, suction, or the physical stresses associated with a Cesarean section often lead to neurospinal dysfunction and subluxations, which are misalignments and interference within neurological communication and connection between the brain and body. The most commonly and severely affected areas are the brainstem, upper neck, cranial, and upper thoracic regions.

Subluxation and neurological dysfunction in these particular areas lead to immediate challenges with essential health functions of the infant and child – latching, swallowing, breastfeeding, sleeping, digesting food, and so much more. Once this physical injury sets in and gets the nervous system out of balance, something called dysautonomia and dysregulation sets in leading to multiple body functions being off track and dysfunctional – with digestion, respiration, immune function, and sensory-motor functions being most negatively affected

Disruptions in the nervous system function from birth trauma may affect a child's developmental milestones. Problems such as delays in walking, talking, and other motor skills can sometimes be traced back to nerve system impairments caused at birth.

According to PX Docs, the impact of birth trauma isn’t always immediately apparent and can manifest as various health issues over time, including digestive disorders, learning disabilities, and behavioral problems.
These conditions are often the result of compromised nerve function and a strained nervous system, which stem from initial birth injuries.

First it’s important to know that this is entirely overlooked and dismissed by medicine, and even if they did admit to how big of a problem this is they can’t do anything about it. At Innate Family Chiropractic we first will dive extra deep into your child’s case history, helping to determine if birth intervention and trauma were at play and part of the problem.

The most important things you can do to find out if birth trauma and nervous system dysfunction and dysregulation are causing your child’s health issues is to get into our office for a series of neurological exams called the INSiGHT Scans, which allow us to look for:
1 – If subluxation and nervous system dysfunction is happening?
2 – If yes, how much and how significant are things?
3 – If yes, how much care and how long would it take for us to restore optimal neurological function and good health for your child ie, the care plan.

"As we've explored today, the impact of birth trauma on your child’s health can be profound and long-lasting. Unfortunately, this critical issue often goes unaddressed within the standard medical system, and even in most holistic or natural health practices. But there is hope, and there are solutions outside of conventional treatments that can make a real difference in your child's life."
At Innate, we understand the nuances of birth-related challenges and chronic health issues in kids. That’s why we start with a comprehensive look into your child’s case history. We delve deep to connect the dots, considering whether birth interventions and trauma could be at the root of the health issues they’re still facing."

One of the most crucial steps you can take is to bring your child in for a Neurological INSiGHT Scan. This isn't just any check-up—it's a focused, detailed series of neurological exams designed to pinpoint dysfunction and dysregulation within your child’s nervous system."

With these scans, we’re able to determine:
The presence and extent of any subluxation and nervous system dysfunction.
The severity of these issues and their potential impact on your child’s health.
And most importantly, we can tailor a care plan that’s specific to restoring your child’s optimal neurological function and overall health."

If you suspect that your child’s challenges might stem from birth trauma after watching this video, don’t wait. Simply comment below, send us a DM, or visit our website and let’s work together to finally get to the REAL root cause of your child’s health challenges, and get them on the path to healing and recovery you’ve long been searching for! Thank you for watching, and remember—you’re not alone on this journey. We’re here to help every step of the way."


Is My Baby Colicky From Silent Reflux? Or Is It Something Else?


Why Birth Trauma Doesn’t End At The Hospital