Meet Your N8 Tribe

Every single patient is a part of our “tribe” from day one. While so much of traditional healthcare can feel cold, sterile and impersonal for patients. That is not the case at Innate Family Chiropractic!

You will be greeted at the front desk with a warm smile, excitement and a big hello by one of our amazing care advocates. Together with Dr. Drake, be prepared for a personal and patient-centered approach.

Dr. Drake takes the time to really listen to your concerns, take a thorough case history and work together with you to set some truly incredible goals for you, your child and family.

Photo collage: Dr. Drake adjusting baby, toddler smiling and rolling thermal scan being performed on young child

Designed with Your Entire Family in Mind

Not only do we have specialized training in pediatrics, prenatal, and family care ­– our office is organized with each child and family in mind. Our sensory and special needs families will find our space inviting, calming and safe. If you have a precious baby in tow, we have you covered with expert baby holders ready to help (and a diaper pail, because holy moly, babies will be pooping after their adjustments, trust us!). Expecting a bundle of joy? Dr. Drake has a special table that can accommodate your growing bump!

Got the whole car full of kiddos? No problem! We have a great kids area to help entertain along with snacks, on the ready for anyone feeling a little hangry!

Office entrance with photos of children displayed
Young boy pretending to adjust Dr. Drake
Front office area with kid's adjusting table
Three girls playing in kid area
Dr. Drake coloring on chalkboard with young patient

Hope Dealers

Dr. Drake and his team have been trained extensively in pediatric, prenatal and family care with PX Docs through their Pediatric Experience (PX). PX is a world-class certification program that is neurologically-focused in pediatric and family care. Putting into practice all of the clinical care protocols that are based in scientific research allows our team to have the certainty to offer you the hope you deserve.

Meet the Doc

Dr. Drake smiling portrait

Caring and Experienced

Dr. Drake has been called to care for the toughest cases out there, not with just his big heart full of love and caring, but with his exceptional skills and talent.

No matter whether your child is facing the struggles of special needs, autism, and epilepsy or is coming in for wellness, Dr. Drake will impress you each step of the way. We know that nothing matters more in this world than the health and well-being of your kids and family, so Dr. Drake takes care of you just like that, part of his very own tribe.

Read more about Dr. Drake’s journey below our Care Advocate bios.

Your Care Advocates

Cassie holding her son
Kathryn and Eric
Kara woth her husband Cooper

Dr. Jason E. Drake’s Journey

Since 2007, every day in practice I’ve been blessed to hear story after life-changing story about the amazing results we get to create with neurologically-focused chiropractic care at Innate Family Chiropractic. While each story is amazing, it motivates me to help create thousands more. Being that I’ve experienced these amazing results with my own son and my entire family, they make perfect sense to me.

It is my mission to bring this kind of chiropractic care and a full amazing life to as many kids and families as I can in all of Green Country and beyond. Ultimately we want to grow healthy families with our passion for wellness-focused and authentic chiropractic care.

You can bet that I’m passionate about chiropractic and growing healthy families, and I want to share why that is!

Chiropractic found me.

My first experience with chiropractic started with those four magical words, “have you tried chiropractic?” I was 21 and my girlfriend asked me this question as I lay on my floor in agony unable to even stand. My low back had given out on me, and I was terrified.

So, I called into work and we managed to pile me into the car and get to the chiropractor. Two adjustments later and I was back at work. Two months later I was healthier and happier than I could remember. Man this stuff works!

I graduated from college with an education degree and went back home to a Owasso to teach. After a year I moved on to a corporate gig for more money and sacrificed happiness. While having dinner at my dad's house one night, I heard those words again. “Have you looked at chiropractic school?” My dad's friend was making a case for a career change. The next day I stopped by my chiropractor 's office to inquire more. By the end of the week, I had applied for school.

Still not sure.

You see, my dad was a dentist, and I had been pursuing admission to dental school at the same time I was starting chiropractic school. I had been notified that I was a first alternate for admission, and they had scheduled me for a second interview over Christmas break. With good grades I would be in a great position, but let's rewind.

That spring I had been outside doing my yard work when went inside to let out my two Weiner dogs. Belle got up and ran out while Sebastien stayed on his bed with a sad look. He tried to get up and cried before falling. I scooped him up and we went to the vet.

After seeing the two compression fractures on x-rays in the middle of his back, they did a crude physical to verify he was paralyzed from the mid-back to tail. When I asked the clinicians at my chiropractic school, I was told to take him to an animal chiropractor. What?! I took him to this animal chiropractor who sat us both on the floor and then showed me how to properly adjust my dog.

I bought him a cart so he could get around and even had a classmate help me make my house wheelchair accessible. I did everything in my power to help my dog. Fast forward about eight months, I'm giving the dogs a treat and I noticed that the tip of Sebastien’s tail was wiggling just a bit.

Hope arrived!

With each day he gained more and more motion back. First the tail, then the hips and eventually the toes. It was incredible to watch! One day I had him on the porch, helping him practice standing and work on balance, when all of a sudden a rabbit went running out from under our deck. Belle took off! Sebastian wiggled loose and started after them. I yelled for him to stop for fear of injury, but he persisted. The next thing I know he is running (awkwardly) across the yard. After I wiped the tears from my eyes, I took a picture of his grin looking so proud.

The next week I was supposed to go home and then head to OKC for my interview. I called my dad and said I'm not going to my interview. He asked why? I said, Sebastian just ran across the yard. He didn't believe me until we got home, and he saw with his own eyes.

I said, “Dad, if chiropractic can restore life like I've just witnessed, there is no other profession I would rather be a part of in this whole world. I'm right where I belong!”.

The Shift (Denver’s story)

I knew I was in the right profession, but I had always felt like there was more I could do. I didn't know it yet, but my life was about to make a huge course correction yet again.

In 2016, I met my son, Denver, for the first time. I had been thorough with his prenatal care; we had prepared for everything and we were ready. Or so we thought.

Denver entered the birth canal and stayed there almost six hours. He was closely monitored every step of the way by our midwife, and she assured us he was safe. That doesn't mean it wasn't stressful for both mom and baby. He came out a little cone headed but everything was perfect. I got him adjusted even before I could cut his cord. It was a beautiful and successful day.

We had the usual ups and downs of newborn life, but right around 18 months he fell off the couch and landed head first on the edge of a coffee table. Shortly after that things got harder. Food and eating milestones stopped and even regressed. Verbal milestones did the same. His energy was different, he had more meltdowns and struggled mightily with frustrations in communication.

Then the behavior showed up. He was called a wrecking ball at one school before being asked to leave. He was a danger to himself and others according to one childcare facility. He was called a liability before being rejected from the next school. Every avenue we took ended in the inability of any facility being able to manage our child. We had to hire a nanny because we no longer felt welcome anywhere.

Like all other parents, we went to all the specialists, therapist, and healers we could find. Nothing was helping and we were spent. We were scared. We felt judged. We were becoming recluses. It was affecting every facet of our lives. Exhausting!

I told my wife that there has to be an answer. I think I know who to ask to find answers. I started to dive into my chiropractic books looking for more. What I found was already sitting in my office, neurologically-focused chiropractic care delivered through a neuro-tonal chiropractic technique.

That’s when I reached out to the other leaders in our profession. When I started hearing the same answers over and over again, I knew I found my guide. Dr. Tony Ebel had started a program to train chiropractors to become neurologically-focused pediatric, prenatal and whole family wellness experts. I immediately signed up with the world-wide movement – PX Docs.

As I muscled through the hours upon hours of training, the missing pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place. I was beginning to see how to truly change and impact lives through chiropractic.

Denver was my first patient to go through this new style of care planning and adjusting. His changes were very subtle in the beginning. Words started coming easier with more clarity. His food choices were starting to expand again. His temperament, frustrations and impulsivity started to shrink. We were back on the developmental track and closing in on so many missed milestones.

In kindergarten, we had 3-5 calls per week to pick Denver up from school for behavior issues. Going through first grade, we only had 3-5 calls all year and none were for behavior issues like the previous year. One I vividly remember was from his speech path at school. She was calling to tell us how great Denver was doing, but my wife broke out in a sweat as soon as we saw the school number across our phone. Talk about PTSD!

As of writing this, Denver continues to close the gap on his developmental milestones, behavior and academics. And I am so proud of him!

Taking it to the Streets

With the “Perfect Storm” scientific concepts and clinical protocols fully integrated into our practice, we have not only helped Denver, but so many other tough neurological cases.

Innate Family Chiropractic is built to be the source of Hope, Answers, and Help you’ve been searching for! We’ve trained our whole team of Advocates to carry out our mission of Growing Healthy Families and to take on the toughest of neurological cases out there, as well as care for the multitude of healthy, vibrant wellness families.

Everyday at N8, you’ll find children who no longer have seizures or struggle with autism, have their focused improved & behavior challenges calmed, regulate their emotions & anxiety, improve their gut & immune health, get back on track developmentally, and so much more. All WITHOUT drugs and medications.

And on top of that, we also care for moms, dads, and adults in the same neurologically-focused, life transforming way…restoring their sleep, energy, health, happiness and joy just the same!

No matter what you’re looking for, N8 is the place to go!

Ready to get started?