Our unique specialty and expertise in Pediatric Chiropractic Care comes from three main areas:
While kids are designed to be healthy, strong and resilient, right now for most families that is simply not the case. Currently over 40% of children have a chronic health condition such as Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Epilepsy. Furthermore the path to those chronic conditions begins as a series of acute, early childhood illnesses that traditional medicine cannot get a handle on.
Still today parents whose children are struggling with things like colic, constipation, recurrent ear infections, allergies, sensory issues, and developmental delays are told, “Don’t worry, they’ll grow out of it.” Well, that’s simply not true.
Without the proper help far too many kids today “grow into” these chronic health challenges, and suffer and struggle with their health in ways that are simply not fair.
That’s where the purpose and passion of our entire N8 Team comes into play! We know that kids truly are meant to be healthy, not sick.
Every single day in our office we get to help kids who were chronically sick, struggling, and loaded up with medications and therapies transform right before our eyes and reach incredible levels of health, happiness, and well-being once again!
Our passion comes from story after story of children truly experiencing miracles, and defying all odds to get back to the healthy, vibrant life they were meant to live all along!
And finally, our Pediatric Chiropractic specialty also comes from an absolute obsession with the science of what causes kids to get sick, and in turn what it takes to get them healthy and stay that way.
By figuring out exactly what is causing our kids to get sick, we know exactly how to help restore their health step-by-step. To say that Dr. Drake is focused on getting to the root cause of your child’s struggle would be a drastic understatement.
Simply put, nothing is more important to the health of the entire family than the journey of pregnancy, labor and delivery, and the postpartum period.
Sadly in today’s traditional healthcare system, being pregnant has become a diagnosable condition seemingly meant to be managed instead of supported, empowered, and cared for!
This “medicalization” of the prenatal journey has led to far too many women experiencing not just physical pain and tension, but massive amounts of tension, anxiety, exhaustion, and other health challenges throughout pregnancy.
At N8 we focus on two pivotal areas of full on health promotion for our pregnant and postpartum mamas:
Getting chiropractic adjustments during the prenatal and postpartum phase of life may be some of the most incredible experiences of a woman’s life! Not only does it reduce tension, boost energy, ensure proper baby positioning, and help prepare for natural childbirth…but being surrounded by our team will mean you leave each and every visit more empowered, more confident, and more prepared for you and your child to be healthy, strong, and resilient!
Our care certainly does not stop the day your beautiful baby arrives. We come right alongside you in that next critical period of your family’s life, providing incredible care and support for both mom and baby.
Dr. Drake is highly trained and experienced in Webster’s Technique (and many others) so he can truly tailor his adjustment to exactly what mama and her growing belly needs. Making N8 part of your prenatal and postpartum journey will be a decision you’ll be so glad you made!
Parenting is anything but easy.
Pretty much every moment of our lives as parents has us feeling pulled in a thousand different directions at once. We’re constantly trying to juggle all of our children’s needs, our work life, and if we can just get a few minutes – working out and being healthy ourselves.
And in today’s overscheduled, 28 sports-at-once world many of us parents somehow get pulled into – the “new normal” of parent life is one filled with sleep deprivation, terrible energy, constant tension, exhaustion, headaches, anxiety, and more.
While the demands of parenting today can seem insurmountable, we can assure you that once you add Innate Family Chiropractic to the mix – it gets a whole lot easier.
The most common changes parents experience from their adjustments and care at N8 are absolute must haves:
Better Sleep
More Energy
Improved Emotional Balance and Health
Flexibility and Mobility
Better Health Habits
N8 Parents take on life differently. When your physical, mental, and emotional health is strong and kicking butt, so do your kids!
Kids don’t learn healthy habits from what we tell them to do, but instead by what they see us do. If we are constantly wound up, stressed out, disorganized, and emotionally exhausted then our kids will come to expect that to be their life as well.
But the reverse of that is also true! Kids whose parents are well-adjusted, always active, eat healthy, and live empowered then grow up knowing that is how life is meant to be lived.
Those healthy habits become ingrained in the most awesome of ways, and in turn passed on for generations to come! That is the entire focus and goal of N8 Family Care, growing healthy families, and we can’t wait to provide that level of incredible care to your entire family!
The Perfect Storm
The Perfect Storm relates to our workshop focused on the cause of pediatric struggles and the steps to take to reverse those struggles. Perfect Storm challenges relate to prenatal distress, birth intervention and trauma, traumatic brain injuries, and chronic digestive or immune challenges.
If your child has been diagnosed (or you suspect) with chronic neurological conditions such as epilepsy, autism, apraxia, cerebral palsy, ADHD, anxiety, depression, OCD, Lymes, POTS, PANS, dysautonomia, asthma, allergies, chronic constipation, or any other chronic health challenge and you simply are NOT seeing the results you want with traditional medical approach, our program is for you.
This is specialized care for specialized kiddos. We meet them where they’re at every visit. Sometimes that’s in a chair, on a table, on a couch or even on the floor. Whatever your child’s comfort level or energy for the day, we will meet them there to get them their neuro-tonal adjustment with precision every visit.
We always respect the child, ask permission, and ease into their space at their pace. To be honest, after a few adjustments, every kid knows we are here to help. Next thing you know, they act like they own the place, and we love it!
These care plans are demanding at first, but rest assured, Dr. Drake and our team of care advocates are here to help and support you through the process. We are very efficient with your time and focused on your kiddo every visit.
If you would like more information about The Perfect Storm or our care plans, please reach out. Every case in unique and we want to answer all your question the best we can!
We have a passion to grow healthy kids, we cannot deny that. But we absolutely see patients of all ages and stages. Everyone will go through the same clinical process, no matter their age.
Long answer short, Dr. Drake has an immense arsenal of techniques in his toolkit. He uses a tonal assessment to read your body each and every adjustment. From there, he tailors your adjustment specifically to what you need that day. Pretty cool stuff. If you have more questions about this, make an appointment. Your initial visit includes a one-on-one consultation and he is happy to discuss his technique with you in person!
We are in-network with a few insurance companies. Call the office to see if we are in your network.
Please note that discounts / special deals cannot be applied to services being billed to insurance.
We sure do! Please let us know when scheduling your initial visit as there is additional paperwork for our auto cases. Dr. Drake is an American Academy of Medical Legal Professionals diplomate, which is basically the credentials of an Expert Chiropractic Witness for personal injury law cases. Dr. Drake and his care advocates will walk you through every step of the process.