80% of Children Born By C-Section Are Diagnosed With Sensory Processing Disorder

Is your child having difficulty with everyday activities like going to school, playing with friends, or even getting dressed? They may be experiencing Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), a surprisingly common condition that affects nearly 80% of children born by C-section. SPD can turn daily life into a challenge for both kids and their families, impacting learning, social interactions, and emotional regulation. Watch this video from Dr. Drake as he explores the world of SPD, discussing its causes, symptoms, and the transformative effects of Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care.

If your child suffers from chronic ear infections, you know the drill all too well - endless nights of pain and tears, back-to-back rounds of antibiotics, and the looming threat of surgery. You're tired of Band-Aid solutions that never address the root cause.

Once you’ve experienced this even just a time or two as a parent, now you begin to worry like mad every time they get a slight little bit of congestion or a common cold, worrying it may spill over and build up into chronic ear infections again and again. For many parents that is exactly the case – round after round of ear infections, followed by round after round of pediatrician and ER visits, and of course – round after round of antibiotics and all the side effects that come with them.

By age 3 it’s estimated that 80-90% of kids will experience at least one ear infection. Which should then get us asking the real question – what’s different about the 1 out of 10 kids who do NOT get ear infections? If you’d like to stop the cycle of chronic ear infections or prevent them altogether in the first place, then you’ve got to watch this video all the way through!

What if we told you there's a way to break free from this cycle of suffering without relying on drugs or invasive procedures? In this video, we'll reveal the hidden cause behind most chronic ear infections and share a natural, drug-free approach that's helping children find lasting relief.

This video is for parents of children struggling with chronic ear infections who are seeking answers beyond antibiotics and surgery. If you're tired of temporary fixes and want to address the underlying cause of your child's recurring infections, this information is for you.

We'll explore the surprising link between poor drainage, subluxation, and chronic ear infections. You'll learn how birth interventions and early life stressors can set the stage for these issues, and discover how neurologically-focused chiropractic care can help restore your child's natural drainage and immune function.

Before chiropractic care, Luca would get an ear infection every time he got sick. At one point, he had 5 ear infections in 4 months! Luca’s mom felt so bad that he would wake up in the night screaming in pain, and even after going on antibiotics, it would clear up the infection just to come back again with the next cold or virus that came along. He was on antibiotics back to back for months, and she knew that wasn’t good for him long term, but didn’t know of any other options.

Their pediatrician suggested going to an ENT for tubes in his ears or some other sort of surgery, but Mom didn’t want to go that route if she could avoid it. After hearing about pediatric chiropractic, she reached out to see if chiropractic care could help with recurrent ear infections. From her first call with a care advocate, she felt like her concerns were heard and that Innate had seen many kids just like Luca in their office. Mom felt hopeful that they would be able to help.

When Mom saw Luca’s scans, she was shocked to see how much of him was “in the red.” When the meaning behind the scans was explained to her, it made total sense why his body wasn’t able to fight off these ear infections easily.
Since they started chiropractic care, Luca has not had a single ear infection. Of course, he still gets sick like most kids do (especially preschoolers!), but the colds never turn into ear infections, and he also seems to be able to get over the illnesses quicker. Mom believes that his overall immune system is stronger as he has experienced less frequent illnesses since they have been doing consistent chiropractic care. When they do catch something, a couple of extra boosts get them over the hump and back to good health quickly!

There are many ways to help kids get through ear infections without antibiotics, surgeries, and all the side effects that come with them! The natural solutions and options not only help get through the challenges, but make the body stronger as a result of it.

Chronic ear infections occur when there is recurring buildup of fluids, inflammation, and swelling that block the eustachian tube, leading to pressure and pain in the middle ear. This condition is also known as chronic otitis media. There are 3 primary causes of chronic ear infections that are all tied to something called subluxation:
First, there is poor “plumbing and drainage” that results from the misalignment causing extra tension, inflammation, and limited movement of the nerves and muscles that supply the inner ear… leading to the buildup of fluid.
Second, subluxation also causes the body to go into an excessive sympathetic fight or flight state, leaving it in a high inflammatory state and producing extra mucus as a result – so “double trouble”
And lastly, the world we live in has a ton of toxins, sugar, dairy, and so forth that then “stir the pot” and make things worse.

Since antibiotics and fever reducers do not take the root cause head on, and in fact, make the gut and immune system weaker over time… they are a major reason for recurrent or chronic ear infections continuing to come back again and again. In the same way, many families have gone Gluten Free and Casein Free, added tons of supplements, essential oils, and so forth, and still struggle… showing that those things may be helping some, but do NOT address the root cause or subluxation entirely.

Our adjustments are designed to provide two main things that help kids and patients get to the other side of ear infections without drugs and surgery:
They increase “drainage” and “plumbing” by getting things moving and clear once again, often immediately! They balance out the nervous system and help reduce that sympathetic fight or flight state, reduce inflammation, and just overall take stress and tension away.

In our office, the path to natural solutions and overcoming chronic ear infections begins with what we call our Neurological INSiGHT Scans. These scans directly measure the stress, tension, inflammation, and subluxation that so often builds up in the upper neck of infants and children struggling with chronic ear infections, stemming all the way back from birth interventions like forceps, vacuum, and c-section that can create physical tension, twisting, and pulling to the upper neck and middle ear areas… leading to all this trouble in the first place.

To learn more about how chiropractic can help your child overcome these challenges, and to get your child scheduled for their Neurological INSiGHT Scans… hit the link below and learn more today!


Are Your Child’s Antibiotics Doing More Harm Than Good?


Is My Baby Colicky From Silent Reflux? Or is it Something Else?